
Container Handling

RMG Container Cranes are moving containers in a container block at a container terminal

The majority of global trade moves in standard containers. To keep up with high volume 24/7/365, sea and river container terminals but also railway and road terminals need efficient and reliable electrical powered container handling equipment that will thrive in harsh environments. Energy and data transmission systems play a critical role in powering Ship-to-Shore Cranes,  Rail Mounted Gantry Cranes ( RMG), and  Rubber Tired Gantries ( RTG). Larger container vessels need larger, faster, more reliable container cranes, which drives even more reliance on state-of-the-art electrical components. Automated “ports of the future” will require new types of container handling equipment and new approaches to energy and data transmission. To reduce fossil fuel consumption and air pollution, ports are converting their container handling equipment from combustion engines to electric drives.

Conductix-Wampfler has decades of experience and know-how in the container handling industry. We offer reliable, practical, and customized solutions for the electrification of  cranes and other port machinery. Our customers’ global activities are supported with our turnkey systems and strong after-sale service from our worldwide sales and engineering network.   We offer:

Motor-Driven Cable Reels – customized, with magnetic or variable frequency drives to manage long travel main power supply and data  cables on  STS and RMG cranes. Continuous energy and data transmission is guaranteed by special  slip ring assemblies and fiber optic transmitters.  Motorized cable reels handle the fast vertical motions of  spreader cables and are one solution to convert diesel powered RTGs to electric “ E-RTGs”.

Cable Festoon Systems – durable and reliable; motorized or non-motorized to manage cross-travel power and data  cables on container cranes.

Energy Guiding Chains – can also manage  cables for cranes cross-travel and even  crane runway cables, especially when multiple cables are used.

Conductor Rail Systems – specially designed to power electric “ E- RTGs” that replace diesel-powered RTGs. The newest Drive-In system that is working fully automatic without any pneumatic or hydraulic components is available alongside with traditional Plug-In styles.  Conductor bars can provide power for  crane cross-travel in combination with a dedicated data transfer systems. Trench-mounted high voltage  conductor rail systems provide power for  STS container crane runway travel. High amperage conductor rail systems are an alternative to  cable reels for STS container cranes.

Inductive Power Transfer (IPT®) – state-of-the-art  inductive charging solutions ( IPT® Charge) for battery-powered, electrified port equipment such as AGVs and Straddle Carriers.

Cable Protection Systems –  Trenchguard and  CoverZip systems cover and protect  cables that lay in trenches on the wharf.

Jay Radio Remote Controls –  offer a safe way of operating or monitoring machines from a distance. The comprehensive range of industrial and safety radio remote controls offers countless solutions to adapt to an extensive number of container handling applications.

Motor-Driven Cable Reel used as energy transmission system to an Intermodal CraneElectrification of Container Blocks with the Conductix-Wampfler E-RTG Drive-In P solutionShip in at the container terminal loaded by a STS Container CraneRTG & RMG Container Krane bewegen Container in einem Container Block
Conatiner Handling inside a container terminal with Straddle and Terminal TractorsAn I-Beam Cable Festoon System for the Energy & Data Transmission at a STS Container CraneA Spring-Driven Cable Reel in use on a Container SpreaderAn Energy Guiding Chain in front of Containers in a Container Terminal

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